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Writer's pictureBenjamin Orosz


People confuse spirituality and religions which is the same as amalgaming telephones and communication. Although the telephone has been made to channel frequency waves the technological device itself remains different from the ability to communicate and exchange relevant informations. Religions are sets of doctrines and beliefs systems that gather rules, metaphors and informations about spiritual forces, but they don’t necessarily make you morally sound. They only offer guidance about ways to live and perceive, most of the time in congruence with the historical epoch. However, it happens that some distortions occur between the interpretation of the message and the original intention because, not only of human assumption but also the translation process itself. The loss of nuance, and context relevancy cloud the essence of the original spiritual message which can lead to people misinterpretations and misactions. In a sense, by providing excuses in behaving certain ways, religions are the loyal witnesses of what truly lies within people’s heart. They are the visible part of something more abstract that run their lives through their deeper interests and motivations.


Spirituality is nothing else than the discipline that relates to spirit and spirit is like air: it is an invisible current that transports many different elements from totally beneficial to entirely harmful to you. There are good spirits for you, and there are some considered bad. There are some streams of spirituality that are fundamentally beneficial to you, and some others that are dangerous and destructive. Spirit works the same: it is everywhere all the time, traveling through everybody but not all in it is beneficial for you. Indeed, what you require from air is oxygen, as well as very little of other elements, but some compounds of it can be bad for your system, which needs to filter out these undesired particles. To say that your life depends on air is not true since many elements in it are non-essential, even threatening to you. It is the same for your relation to religions: your life depends on your ability to discern, extract and retain only what’s beneficial to you in spirituality.


Positive spirituality infuses your body and mind with the idea of sovereignty through self-expression and individuality. It trains you in building freedom by learning to choose what’s right over what’s easy through the culture of discernment, autonomy and responsibility.  There is indeed a difference between spirituality which is a lifestyle, and a spiritual experience which is accessory. Searching for spiritual experiences without spiritual foundations causes escapism, dependency and addictive behaviors. Therefore, the only way to transcend a mundane life, is to accept and integrate it, because your higher purpose is exactly the reason why you are here. Your spiritual life needs to be translated in practical terms to be grounded in reality. Positive spirituality supports you and guides you in doing that along resolving your problems safely to redirect you towards what is truly genuine and valuable in the world. However, it can only do that in proportion to your own capacity to handle a truth that extends beyond your current ambitions.



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